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DISCOVER MONUMENT'S construction timeline, where you will see at a glance how your NEW community is progressing.

Designed for convenience, with up to date and easy to follow graphics, the construction timeline will keep you informed, from earthworks to completion and everything in between.

Click a stage to view the construction timeline.
R3Everest Release - TITLES RECEIVED R2Rushmore Release - TITLES RECEIVED R4Temple Release - TITLES RECEIVED R5Elenour - TITLES RECEIVED R7Fraser Release - TITLES RECEIVED R8Jantar Release - TITLES RECEIVED R9Homage Release - TITLES RECEIVED R11Petronas Release - TITLES RECEIVED R12Sagrada Release - TITLES RECEIVED R13Dilwarra Release A - TITLES RECEIVED R14Potala Release A - TITLES RECEIVED R15Release 15 - TITLES RECEIVED R16Louvre Release A - TITLES RECEIVED R5AElenour Release - TITLES RECEIVED